Listed below are participants signed on so far for the 2024 NOPF. You can sort by last name or search by event, or use Ctrl F to search for a name.
2024 Features

Inside You There Is Another You: A Reading from Kim Hyesoon’s A Drink of Red Mirror

Interdisciplinary poet and sound artist LaTasha N. Nevada Diggs is the author of Village (Coffee House Press 2023) and TwERK (Belladonna, 2013). She is also the author of three chapbooks, which include Ichi- Ban and Ni-Ban (MOH Press), Manuel is destroying my bathroom (Belladonna*), an…

Carolina Ebeid is a multimedia poet and author of You Ask Me to Talk about the Interior and the chapbook Dauerwunder: a brief record of facts. Her work has been supported by the Stadler Center for Poetry at Bucknell University, Bread Loaf, CantoMundo, a National Endowment for the Arts fellowship, as wel…
Ha Jaeyoun started her career in 2002 when she received the award for best new poet from the journal <문학과 사회Literature and Society>. She received a PhD in Modern Korean Literature from Korea University for her research in 1930’s Korean poetry. She also was the recipient of the 3rd Yeongnam…
Read more...NOPF Roadshow: Baton Rouge
NOPF Roadshow: Nicholls State University
NOPF Roadshow: Jefferson Parish
Roundtable: Department of Lost-and-Found
NOPF Roadshow: Baton Rouge
NOPF Roadshow: Nicholls State University
NOPF Roadshow: Jefferson Parish
Roundtable: Department of Lost-and-Found

Hwang Yuwon, is a poet, translator. He is the author of 4 collections of poetry, White Deer Lake, Supernatural 3D Printing, You Should See Me in a Crown, and Everything in the World, Maximized. He translates poetry and novels from English to Korean. Among them are…
Read more...NOPF Roadshow: Baton Rouge
NOPF Roadshow: Nicholls State University
NOPF Roadshow: Jefferson Parish
Roundtable: Department of Lost-and-Found
2024 Presenters and Board Members

David Abel is a writer, editor, and interdisciplinary artist, and the proprietor of Passages Bookshop in Portland, Oregon. A founding member of the Spare Room reading series, now in its twenty-second year, he was a cofounder of Thirteen Hats, a collective of Portland writers and artists; a member of the…
Read more...Chax Press at 40

Ralph Adamo's eighth poetry book, All the Good Hiding Places (Black Widow Press), was published in 2020, just in time for the pandemic to drop a wet blanket over such non-essential products. His seventh collection, Ever: Poems 2000-2014, was published by Lavender Ink. Previous volumes i…
Marketing Your Writing: Simple Steps to Help Sell Your Poetry
Maha Ahmed is an Egyptian-American poet and translator. She is a Literature and Creative Writing PhD candidate at University of Houston specializing in Empire Studies. She received her MFA in Poetry from the University of Oregon where she was the recipient of the Promising Scholar Award. Her poetry can b…
Lauren Albin recieved her MFA from Arizona State University in 2016. Her poetry and translations have appeared in the Southeast Review, Columbia Journal, and the Nashville Review, among others. She is co-translator of Kim Hyesoon's A Drink of Red Mirror (Action Books,…
Charles Alexander is a maker. His primary area of making is poetry and essays, i.e. the art of words, but some people know him equally as a maker and publisher of books. A collection of new poems by him, Time Being, was just released in October 2023. Other books include Hopeful Buildings, ar…
Alexis Almeida grew up in Chicago. She is the author of the chapbooks I Have Never Been Able to Sing (Ugly Duckling Presse, 2018), and Things I Have Made a Fiction (Oversound, 2023), and most recently the translator of Roberta Iannamico's Many Poems, which is just out from The…
Steven Alvarez is the author of the experimental novels in verse McTlán, Manhatitlán, and The Codex Mojaodicus, winner of the Fence Modern Poets Prize. His work has appeared in the Best Experimental Writing, Anomaly, Asymptote, Berkeley Poetry Review, Fence, MAKE, The Offin…
Read more...Small Press Reading 2

Amy M. Alvarez is the author of the poetry collection Makeshift Altar (2024) and the co-editor of Essential Voices: A COVID-19 Anthology (2023). Selected…
Read more...Indran Amirthanayagam is a multi-lingual poet, editor and publisher with 24 books published to date. These include the Paterson Prize-winning The Elephants of Reckoning, Blue Window (Ventana Azul), Ten Thousand Steps Against the Tyrant, The Splintered Face: Tsunami Poems, and Uncivil War…
Read more...Write the Free Sonnet: A Generative and Critical Workshop
A MadHat Press / White Pine Press reading

Michael Anania is a poet, fiction writer, and essayist. His recent books include Continuous Showngs, Nightsongs and Clamors, and Just There and In Time, all from Mad Hat. His work is widely anthogogized and translated. A collection of essays on his work, From the Word to the Pla…
Zachary Anderson holds an MFA from the University of Notre Dame and a PhD from the University of Georgia, where he served as a graduate editor for The Georgia Review. His book reviews and critical writings can be found in Harvard Review, Kenyon Review, and the Action Books blog…
Tom Andes has published fiction in Witness, Natural Bridge, the Akashic Books Mondays Are Murder Flash Fiction Blog, Best American Mystery Stories 2012, and elsewhere. He frequently writes reviews for publications including the Los Angeles Review of Books and…
Nicola Andrews (Māori, Pākehā) is a member of the Ngāti Paoa iwi currently living on Ramaytush Ohlone territory. The winner of the 2023 AAALS Indigenous Writers Prize for Poetry, their debut chapbook Māori Maid Difficult is forthcoming with Tram Editions. Find them online: …
Robert Archambeau possesses the world’s least interesting international identity. He was born in Rhode Island, raised in Canada, and spent summers in Maine or at his father’s art studio on a lake in the Canadian wilderness. An art school brat, he always felt it was inevitable that he would end up making…
Read more...A MadHat Press / White Pine Press reading

Rob Arnold is a CHamoru poet, essayist, and arts leader whose work has appeared in Ploughshares, Gettysburg Review, Poetry Northwest, RED INK, The Volta, and Solstice, among others, and has been anthologized in New CHamoru Literature…
Chris Ashby is a poet from the Pacific Northwest, the editor and publisher of Couch Press, and a member of the Spare Room Collective. Recent work includes Salt Lover I-V (c_L) Books), City Maker I-IV (published in Oxeye Reader: Issue 1), and the forthcoming chapbook Poems…
Darius Atefat-Peckham is the author of Book of Kin winner of the Autumn House Poetry Prize (Autumn House Press 2024). His work has appeared or is forthcoming in Poetry Magazine, Poem-a-Day, The Georgia Review, Indiana Review, Shenandoah, The Journal, Rattle and elsewhere. He’s also been included in many…
Read more...Ancestress: A Reading that Echoes Forward

Dara Wier's newest books are Extremely Expensive Mystical Experiences for Astronauts, 2024 from Conduit Books and Tolstoy Killed Anna Karenina, 2022 from Wave Books. New poems in ITINERANT and INCESSANT PIPE. Her book length Reverse Rapture won the Poetry Center's boo…
Jack B. Bedell is Professor of English and Coordinator of Creative Writing at Southeastern Louisiana University where he also edits Louisiana Literature and directs the Louisiana Literature Press. Jack’s work has appeared in HAD, Heavy Feather, Pidgeonholes, The Sh…
Read more...Poems to Navigate Home

Toni Bee is a poet, educator, and photographer raised in Boston, MA, educated in Roxbury. She is a Poet Populist emeritus of Cambridge, the first woman to grace that position. Bee led the Black Lives Matter march of Cambridge in 2015 and the following year was selected as Cambridge’s Inaugural Poetry Amb…
John Beer is the author of Lucinda and The Waste Land and Other Poems, and editor of Poems (1963-1997) by Robert Lax. He teaches at Portland State University in Oregon.

Martine Bellen’s most recent poetry collection is An Anatomy of Curiosity (MadHat Press, 2023). She is the author of nine other books, including This Amazing Cage of Light: New and Selected Poems (Spuyten Duyvil), The Vulnerability of Order (Copper Canyon Press), and Tales…
Read more...A MadHat Press / White Pine Press reading

Maxime Berclaz is a Graduate Editor ar the Georgia Review and a PhD Student in Creative Writing at UGA, where he writes poetry and thinks about horror, particularly its utopian aspects. He has published poems in Burning House, Prelude, and Deluge, and reviews in Pank a…
F. J. Bergmann is the poetry editor of Mobius: The Journal of Social Change ( and freelances as a copy editor and book designer. She lives in Wisconsin and fantasizes about tragedies on or near exoplanets. She is a Writers of the Future winner. Her work has appeared in Aby…
Xochitl-Julisa Bermejo is the daughter of Mexican immigrants and author of Posada: Offerings of Witness and Refuge (Sundress Publications) and Incantation: Love Poems for Battle Sites (Mouthfeel Press). A former Steinbeck Fellow and Poets & Writers California Writers Exchange winne…
Evelyn Berry is a trans, Southern writer, editor, and educator. She's the author of Grief Slut (Sundress Publications, 2024) and Buggery (Bateau Press, 2020), winner of the BOOM Chapbook Prize. She's a recipient of a 2023 National Endowment for the Arts Poetry Fellowship, 2022 Dr. Linda…
Author of the 2024 Fool for Poetry Prize-winning chapbook Levis Corner House and Grolier Poetry Prize-winning collection Some Far Country, Partridge Boswell is co-founder of Bookstock Literary Festival and teaches at Vallum Society for Education in Arts & Letters in Montreal. His poems have recently…
LAUREN BRAZEAL GARZA received her M.F.A. in poetry from Bennington College and is a Ph.D. candidate in literature at UT Dallas. She is the author of a memoir-in-verse, Gutter (Yes Yes Books, 2018), about her homelessness as a teenager; and has published three chapbooks of poetry, most recently,…
Read more...Marketing Your Writing: Simple Steps to Help Sell Your Poetry

Julian Talamantez Brolaski (it / xe / them) is a poet and country singer, the author of Of Mongrelitude (Wave Books 2017), Advice for Lovers (City Lights 2012), and gowanus atropolis (Ugly Duckling Presse 2011). Julian is a 2023 Bagley Wright lecturer, a 2021 Pew Foundation Fe…
Read more...Small Press Reading 2

Poet Lee Ann Brown is the author of five books beginning with Polyverse (Sun & Moon, 1999), and most recently Other Archer (PURH, 2015). She was the Judith E. Wilson Poetry Fellow at the University of Cambridge and is Professor of English at St. John's University in New York City. S…
Emily Bark Brown is a poet from Mobile, Alabama and Brooklyn, New York. They co-edit Hot Pink, an online poetry magazine. They received an MFA from the Iowa Writers' Workshop. Recent work can be found in The Poetry Project Newsletter, mercury firs, Noir Sauna, Benn…
Jennifer Browne’s chapbooks—Whisper Song (tiny wren publishing, 2023) and The Salt of the Geologic World (Bottlecap Features, 2023)—range the landscapes of her fascinations, which feature the critters, winged and otherwise, of central Appalachia. Her poems are forthcoming or have recent…
Clark Bucko lives and writes in New Orleans, Louisiana. Their work has appeared in publications including Poor Claudia, The Portland Review, Haggard and Halloo, Hot Pink, and Antigravity Magazine. They are a reader for Tilted House Press and editorial for Just Place.

Lauren Burgess is a poet and essayist from Louisiana. She received her MFA from Louisiana State University where she served as poetry editor of New Delta Review. Her work has appeared in Dream Pop, Bodega, Trampoline, and A Velvet Giant, among others. She rece…
Winner of the 2023 Tenth Gate Prize and a 2023 Alma Award, Nicole Callihan has two recent poetry collections: chigger ridge (The Word Works 2024) and SLIP (Saturnalia 2025). Other books include This Strange Garment (Terrapin 2023), SuperLoop (Sock Monkey 2014)…
Read more...Allison Campbell is the author of the illustrated prose poetry collection Encyclopédie of the Common & Encompassing. Her work has appeared in such places as Copper Nickel, The Cincinnati Review, Tampa Review, Witness, and Rattle. She’s been a contributing reviewe…
Tara Campbell is a writer, teacher, Kimbilio Fellow, fiction co-editor at Barrelhouse Magazine, and graduate of American University's MFA. In addition to previous Flame Tree anthologies, prior publication credits include Wigleaf, The Rumpus, Electric Literature, Star*Line, Apparition Lit, Rigorous, and Unlikely Stories.…

Melissa Castro Almandina is from Chicago. They write poetry, teach restorative justice to youth, & dance ballet in their spare time. Find their work online, in zines, & in The Breakbeat Poets Vol. 4: LatiNext.
Laura Cesarco Eglin is a poet and translator from Uruguay. She is the author of six collections of poetry, including the chapbooks Betwe…
Read more...Synchronicity and Causality between Poet-Translators and What They Translate

Brianna Chapman (she/her) is a Dallas, Texan, born and raised, and is an MFA candidate at Sam Houston State University in the Creative Writing, Editing, and Publishing program! She has her first publication forthcoming in the TTU journal, The Harbinger!

Cathy Linh Che is the author of the poetry collection, Split (Alice James Books), winner of the Kundiman Poetry Prize, the Norma Farber First Book Award from the Poetry Society of America, and the Best Poetry Book Award from the Association of Asian American Studies. She is currently the Disting…
Maxine Chernoff is the author of 20 Poetry books, most recently Light and Clay from MadHat Press. Winner of an NEA Award in poetry and a PEN Translation Award, she was a former editor of New American Writing and Oink! She also was a professsor of Creative Writing at SFSU from 1994-2024. She has co/tran…
MAYA CHINCHILLA is an award winning media maker, educator and author of “The Cha Cha Files: A Chapina Poética.” She hosts digital programs such as "Live and Queer," a talk show produced by the QCC, supported by Fresh Meat Productions and the NEA Cal Humanities fun…
Heather Christle is the author of four poetry collections: The Difficult Farm (Octopus Books), The Trees The Trees (Octopus Books), What Is Amazing (Wesleyan University Press), and Heliopause (Wesleyan University Press). Her first work of nonfiction, The Crying Boo…
Ally Chua is a Singaporean writer now based in Boston. She was the 2019 Singapore Unbound Fellow for New York City and has been published in Quarterly Literary Review Singapore, Cordite Poetry Review, and Salamander Magazine. Her debut poetry collection, Acts of Self Consumption, was p…
Paula Cisewski's sixth full-length collection, The Becoming Game, is newly released from Hanging Loose Press this spring of 2025. She's also the author of Ceremonies for No Repair (Beauty School Editions, 2024), Quitter…
Kelly Clare is an artist, writer, and curator based in Western Massachusetts. Author of the chapbook NEARLY EARLY ARTLY NEVER (Greying Ghost, 2024), her multidisciplinary work can be found in Fence, The Digital Review, Prelude, and Ugly Duckling’s Second Factory…
Read more...Systems of the Small Press

Gillian Conoley is a poet, editor, and translator. Often comprising narrative, lyric, and fragmented forms, her work takes up an inquiry into spirit and matter, the individual and the state. Her new collection is…
Peter Cooley was Director of Creative Writing at Tulane from 1975 -2018 and is now Professor Emeritus. He has published ten books of poetry, nine of them with Carnegie Mellon and his most recent is WORLD WITHOUT FINISHING, 2018. The Poetry Editor of NORTH AMERICAN REVIEW FROM 1970-2000, he is now Poetr…
NICOLE COOLEY grew up in New Orleans and is the author of seven books, the forthcoming Mother Water Ash (LSU Press 2024), as well as Of Marriage (Alice James Books 2018), Girl after Girl after Girl (LSU Press 2017) and Breach (LSU Press 2010). Her work has appeared most recently in POETRY, SCOUNDREL TIME and PLUME. She i…
Joshua Corey is a poet, critic, translator, and novelist. Among his publications are Hannah and the Master (MadHat Press, 2021),…
Stella Corso is the author of the poetry collections Green Knife (Rescue Press, 2023) and TANTRUM (Rescue Press, 2017) along with the chapbooks the people were lovely, but I was not (Bateau Press, 2025), Taboo Vivant (Blush Lit, 2022) and Wind…
Justin Cox’s recent work catalogs ecological and social impacts of industrial agriculture in rural Iowa and beyond. Riffing on necropastoral and visionary poetics, these poems propose a cottage corrosive portrait of country life. They’re especially concerned with living-with-animals in landscapes of runo…
cris cheek is a documentary performance writer, sound composer and photographer. He worked alongside Bob Cobbing and Bill Griffiths with the Consortium of London Presses in the mid 1970s to run a thriving free print shop. In 1981 he co-founded a collective resource in the east end of London at Chisenhale…
Caleb Curtiss (he/him) is a writer and teacher from downstate Illinois. His debut poetry collection, Age of Forgiveness, was published in September of this year by Sundress Publications. Previously, Black Lawrence put forth A Taxonomy of the Space Between Us, a hybrid work of poetry tha…
Albert Joseph Davis, a native of Houma, Louisiana, publishes under the name Albert Belisle Davis. He is a graduate of Nicholls State University (B.A.), Colorado State University (M.A.), and the University of Louisiana at Lafayette (PhD). Besides a previous collection of poetry with Blue Heron Press, Davi…
Anne de Marcken is a writer and interdisciplinary artist. Winner of The Novel Prize, her debut novel, It Lasts Forever and Then It’s Over, will be published by New Directions (US), Fitzcarraldo Editions (UK) and Giramondo (AU) in March of 2024. She is also author of the lyric novella, The Accident: An Account (Spuyten Du…
Jesse DeLong works as Assistant Director of Creative Writing at Louisiana State University where he teaches writing and literature. His books include The Amateur Scientist's Notebook (Baobab Press) and The Bird Triolets (Cornerstone Press, forthcoming). Other work has appeared in the a…
Ann DeVilbiss (she/her) has work published or forthcoming in Appalachian Review, Columbia Journal, Gertrude, The Maine Review, and elsewhere. She has received support from the Kentucky Arts Council and the Kentucky Foundation for Women, and she lives and works in Louis…
Casie Dodd lives in Arkansas with her husband and two children. Her writing has appeared in The Windhover, Oxford American, Image, Louisiana Literature, and other journals. Based in Fort Smith, she is the founder and publisher of Belle Point Press.

Ted Dodson is the author of An Orange (Pioneer Works / Wonder, 2021) and co-translator of Death at the Very Touch / The Cold by Jaime Sáenz (Action Books, forthcoming 2025). He is a contributing editor for BOMB, an editor-at-large for Futurepoem, and a former editor of The…
Isabel Duarte-Gray's first book of poems, Even Shorn, debuted with Sarabande Books in 2021. She lives in New Orleans and teaches at Loyola University New Orleans.

Iris Jamahl Dunkle is an award-winning literary biographer, essayist, and poet. Her latest books include the biography Charmian Kittredge London: Trailblazer, Author, Adventurer…
Marcella Durand's recent books include To husband is to tender, Black Square Editions, 2021; The Prospect, Delete Press, 2020; and a translation of Michèle Métail's book-length poem, Earth's Horizons/Les Horizons du sol, Black Square Editions, 2020. She is the 2021 recipient of the C.D. Wright…
National Book Award winner and Pulitzer prize nominated poet Cornelius Eady has set his poetry to song with the Cornelius Eady Trio. Eady's songs tell the story of passing time, the Black American experience and the blues in the style of Folk & American…
Read more...Saturday Night Main Event

Kristina Erny (she/her) is a third-culture poet who grew up in South Korea. She holds an MFA from the University of Arizona and her work has been the recipient of the Tupelo Quarterly Inaugural Poetry Prize and the Ruskin Art Club Poetry Award, as well as a finalist for the Coniston Prize. Her poems have…
Brett Evans is a poet from the New Orleans area who has also been "over the mountain" (the mountain being sometimes real, sometimes metaphorical). His first collection of poetry, After School Session was published by Buck Downs Press, and his most recent collection Keats is Not the Problem…
Kevin Addison Evans was born early in 1982 to Sharon and Arthur Evans originally of Columbus, Mississippi. Kevin is the youngest of four children, and due to his father’s enrollment in the US Air Force he is the only member of his immediate family not to be born in the state of Mississippi. He was born o…
Barbara Fant has been writing and performing for over 15 years. She competed in 9 National Poetry Slam competitions, and she is a World Poetry Slam finalist. She is the author of two poetry collections, Paint, Inside Out (2010) and Mouths of Garden (2022). Her work has been featured in the Academy of Ame…
Nuha Fariha is a first generation Bangladeshi American writer. Her work has appeared in Nat. Brut, Stone of Madness, Yellow Arrow Journal, Thin Air and others. She has been supported by Juniper Writing Institute, Key West Writer's Workshop, and Mountain Words Literary Festival. She is currently…
Jessica Farquhar is the author of Dear Motorcycle Enthusiast, a chapbook published by The Magnificent Field. You can find her work in Sarabande’s Once a City Said: A Louisville Poets Anthology, and You Blew It: A Miracle Monocle Micro-anth…
Norman Fischer is a poet, essayist, and Zen Buddhist priest. His latest of more than twenty-five prose and poetry titles include There was a clattering as... (Lavender Ink), Men in Suits (BlazeVox), the serial…
Read more...Poetry in Dialogue with Trauma and War

Tim Fitts lives and works in Philadelphia, where he teaches in the Liberal Arts Department of the Curtis Institute of Music. Fitts is the author of The Soju Club (Loupe 2016) and two short story collections, Hypothermia (MadHat Press 2017) and Go Home and Cry for Yourselves (Xavier Review Press 2017). …
Ben Fluet (he/him) is a queer poet, journalist, and filmmaker living in New Orleans. This past spring, he hand-bound and self-published his debut chapbook, "How We Forgot to Sing," and is currently a reader for Bayou Magazine. In 2020, Ben directed "Meet Me By The Magnolia Tree," a documentary exploring the hist…
Raised in New Orleans, a Louisianian from generations back on the maternal and paternal lines, Tonya M. Foster is a poet, essayist, editor, and Black feminist scholar. She's the author of A Swarm of Bees in High Court, the bilingual chapbook La Grammaire des Os, and coeditor of Third Mind: Teaching…
Read more...Roof Books Group Reading

Elisheva Fox is a poet with roots firmly planted in Texan soil. A finalist for the Gwendolyn Brooks Poetry Prize, she has also been nominated for Best of the Net; her work has appeared in Rust + Moth, Paper Brigade, Strange Horizons, and Sand Hills Literary Magazine, a…
Ariel Francisco is the author of Under Capitalism If Your Head Aches They Just Yank Off Your Head (Flowersong Press, 2022), A Sinking Ship is Still a Ship (Burrow Press, 2020) and All My Heroes Are Broke (C&R Press, 2017), and the translator of Haitian-Dominican poet Jacque…
J. Bruce Fuller is the author of How to Drown a Boy (LSU Press, 2024). His chapbooks include The Dissenter's Ground, Lancelot, and Flood, and his poems have appeared in The Southern Review, Crab Orchard Review, McNeese Review, Birmingham Poetry Review, and Best New Poets, 2022, among others. He has received scholarships…
Cid Galicia is a Mexican American poet who has been teaching in New Orleans for over the past decade. He graduated with his MFA summer 2023 through The University of Nebraska Omaha. He is a poetry editor for The Good Life Review and reader/judge FIRECRACKER Poetry Manuscript Awards. He was the…
Read more...Dancing with Form: Partner, Connection, Lead and Follow "Music begins to atrophy when it departs too far from the dance... poetry begins to atrophy when it gets too far from music." -Ezra Pound

Kenning JP García is a diarist, humorist, and antipoet. García is also the author of With (Really Serious Literature) as well as an editor at Rigorous and Dream Pop Press.
An Unlikely Stories Reading

Susana Gardner is the author of the full-length poetry collections [ lapsed insel weary] (The Tangent Press, 2008), HERSO (Black Radish Books, 201…
Juliet Gelfman-Randazzo is a recent graduate of the Rutgers University-Camden MFA program, where she wrote about deer, hand models, and trees. She is the author of the chapbook "DUH" (Bullshit Lit) and recent work appears in The Offing, The Cleveland Review of Books, TAGVVERK, the tiny, and …
Read more...Small Press Reading 1

Michelle Gil-Montero is a poet and translator of contemporary Latin American poetry, hybrid-genre work, and theory. She has translated several books by Andrés Ajens, María Negroni, and Valerie Mejer Caso. She has been awarded fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts and the Howard Foundation,…
Henry Goldkamp (he/they) is an interdisciplinary poet who enjoys clowning boundaries of language, visual art, and sensory performance. He lives in New Orleans, where he hosts the monthly poetry series Splice, acts as intermedia editor of TILT for Tilted House, and teaches experimental poetics and clown studies at Louisia…
Read more...Disciples of the Inter-: Converting the Technological Monopoly of the Page
NOPF Roadshow: Baton Rouge

Maxwell Gontarek has poems out or forthcoming in Noir Sauna, Works & Days, Tilted House, Posit, Denver Quarterly, Witness, and elsewhere. He has lived in Philadelphia, Baltimore, Las Vegas, Belgrade, Langres, and Lafayette, Louisiana.

A native New Orleanian of Filipino descent, Randy Gonzales is a poet, writer, and community historian who researches and shares the stories of Filipino Louisiana. He is an associate professor of English at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, where he holds the Dr. James Wilson/BORSF Eminent Scholar…
Maegan Gonzales is an interdisciplinary southern artist, poet, certified yoga instructor, and educator. She was born in south-central Texas and is currently located in southwest Louisiana.
Her writing is forthcoming in Common Ground Review and has appeared in Salt Hill Journal, …
Lea Graham is a writer, editor, critic and translator who lives in Hyde Park, New York. She is the author of two poetry collections, From the Hotel Vernon (Salmon Press, 2019) and Hough & Helix & Where & Here & You, You, You (No Tell Books, 2011), a fine press book and t…
Jeff Grieneisen is the author of two books of poetry: his most recent, The Language of Phosphorescence published with Lavender Ink, and his first, Good Sumacs, published with MAMMOTH Books. His critical work includes published scholarship o…
Gabriel Gudding is an essayist, poet, and translator from Norwegian. A 2024 NEA Translation Fellow, he is the author of four books of poetry and has translated from Norwegian the books Inventarium by Pedro Carmona-Alvarez (co•im•press 2025) and, by Gunnar Wærness, Friends with Everyone…
Read more...Synchronicity and Causality between Poet-Translators and What They Translate

George Guida is the author of ten books, including five collections of poems—Pugilistic, The Sleeping Gulf, Low Italian, Zen of Pop and the revised edition of New York and Other Lovers. His recent work appears in Aethlon, The American Journal of Poetry, B…
Born in Poland in 1973 and living in the United States since 1991, Piotr Gwiazda is the translator of Grzegorz Wróblewski’s Dear Beloved Humans (Diálogos Books, 2023), Zero Visibility (Phoneme Media, 2017), and Kopenhaga (Zephyr Press, 2013). He is also the author of three books of poems, Aspects of Stra…
Sam Gwynn was born in Eden, NC, in 1948. He graduated from Davidson College and the University of Arkansas. He retired from Lamar University in 2017 as University Professor of English. He taught at Lamar for 40 years and was Poet-in-Residence. He has written or edited over 20 books. His most recent colle…
Read more...Small Press Reading 4

Kelly Harris-DeBerry is the author of Freedom Knows My Name. She has served as a Poets & Writers, Inc. coordinator and as guest poetry editor for Bayou Magazine. She helped design Literary Cleveland’s Breakthrough Writing Residency and served as its inaugural poetry mentor. She sits on the advisory committe…
Read more...LMNL Anthology Contributor Reading

Khaled Hegazzi co-founded and -edited Meena, an Arabic-English literary journal which began in 2005. Originally from Egypt, where he was a journalist for the national newspaper Al-Ahram, he is the author of Deer Do Not Dance in March, a bilingual poetry book, as well as several…
Carolyn Hembree's third collection, For Today, was published by LSU Press in 2024 as part of their Barataria Series. She is also the author of Rigging a Chevy into a Time Machine and Other Ways to Escape a Plague (Trio House Press, 2016), winner of the 2015 Trio Award and the 2015 Roche…
Read more...titter-titter ... tee-hee ... YIKES!: A Conversation on Humor in Women's Poetry
NOPF Roadshow: Southeastern University

Raye Hendrix (she/they) is an award-winning poet from Alabama. Their debut full-length collection of poetry, "What Good Is Heaven," is recently out from Texas Review Press as the Alabama selection for their Southern Poetry Breakthrough Series (Sept. 2024). Also the author of two chapbooks, Raye'…
Marcy Rae Henry is a multidisciplinary Latina/e artist and author of We Are Primary Colors (DoubleCross Press, 2023), the body is where it all begins (Querencia Press, 2024), and dream life of night owls (Open Country Press, 2024). Her work has received a Chicago Community Art…
Jeanne Heuving is the author of Mood Indigo (selva oscura press 2019), and the co-editor, along with Tyrone Williams, of Inciting Poetics: Thinking and Writing Poetry (Recencies Series, University of New Mexico Press, 2019). She recently published The Transmutation of Love and Avan…
Larkin Higgins is a poet/artist/professor whose poetic and hybrid pieces can be found in Diagram, Eleven Eleven, Yellow Field, Visio-Textual Selectricity (Runaway Spoon Press), The L.A.Telephone Book, Vol.1, and …
SCOTT HIGHTOWER is the author of five books of poetry in the US. Imperative to Spare, the fifth, is from Rebel Satori Press. He has also published two bilingual collections in Spain. Hightower's awards include a Hayden Carruth Book Award and a Barnstone Translation Prize. He has lived in Austin…
Cynthia Hogue’s most recent collections are Revenance, listed as one of the 2014 “Standout” books by the Academy of American Poets, and In June the Labyrinth (2017). Her tenth collection, instead, it is dark, will be out from Red Hen Press in April of 2023. Her third book-leng…
Read more...State of Mind Radiates Out Like a Lotus: Where Urgency, Trauma, Survival, and Writing Collide

Paul Hoover has published 16 poetry books, most recently O, and Green: New and Selected Poems (2021) and The Book of Unnamed Things (2019), both with MadHat Press. Editor of two editions of Postmodern American Poetry: A Norton Anthology and the annual poetry magazine, New…
Read more...A MadHat Press / White Pine Press reading

Randall Horton is the recipient of the Gwendolyn Brooks Poetry Award, the Bea Gonzalez Poetry Award, the Great Lakes College Association New Writers Award for Creative Nonfiction (Hook: A Memoir) and a National Endowment of the Arts Fellowship in Literature. In 2018-2019 Dr. Horton was selected…
Justin Howerton is a first-year MFA candidate primarily interested in poetry. Born and raised in Memphis, he received his BA from Lewis & Clark College in Oregon and promptly returned to the South. He writes about the pull of memory, the lies we wish were true, and the magic of cars. His recent work…
Skye Jackson was born in New Orleans, Louisiana. She is a graduate of the UNO Creative Writing Workshop. Her work has appeared in RHINO, The Southern Review, Palette Poetry, RATTLE and elsewhere. Her poetry has been a finalist for the Iowa Review Poetry Award, the RATTLE Poetry P…
Writing Sleep and Dreams: A Poetry Reading
State of Mind Radiates Out Like a Lotus: Where Urgency, Trauma, Survival, and Writing Collide
NOPF Roadshow: Southeastern University

John James is the author of The Milk Hours (Milkweed, 2019), selected by Henri Cole for the Max Ritvo Poetry Prize. His poems appear or are forthcoming in Boston Review, Kenyon Review, Poetry Northwest, New England Review, PEN Poetry Series, Best…
Alix Jason is a writer and bookbinder living in the sweaty town of New Orleans. They run a small bookbinding business called Bad Dog Books, are a contributing editor and book artist at Tilted House, and love to watch fruit rot away in their kitchen. Their work has been published in Fine Prin…
Jean Dany Joachim, Poet, Actor, past Cambridge Poet Populist, Poet in residence at First Church in Cambridge, Director of City Night Readings Series, in residence at Little Crêpe Café in Cambridge. He has three published collections of poetry, Crossroads / Chimenkwaze (2013), Avec des Mots (2014), and Quartier (2016). Je…
Rodney Jones lives in New Orleans. His books include Transparent Gestures, winner of the National Book Critics Circle Award and Salvation Blues, winner of the Kingsley Tufts Poetry Prize. His new book, Alabama, was published in Louisiana State University Press’s Southern Messe…
Andrea Jurjević is a Croatian poet, writer and literary translator. She is the author of two poetry collections and a chapbook: In Another Country, winner of the 2022 Saturnalia Books Prize; Small Crimes, winner of the 2015 Philip Levine Prize; and Nightcall, which was the 2021…
Rodger Kamenetz is a poet and author. His latest book of poetry is The Missing Jew: Poems 1976-2022 from Ben Yehuda Press recently reviewed by Hank Lazer here. Other books of poetry include Dream Logic (PURH, 2…
Read more...Poetry in Dialogue with Trauma and War

Julie Kane's previous collections include Rhythm & Booze, winner of the National Poetry Series; Jazz Funeral, winner of the Donald Justice Poetry Prize; and Mothers of Ireland, winner of the Poetry by the Sea Book Award. Forthcoming in spring 2025 from LSU Press wi…
Jennifer Karmin’s multidisciplinary work has transpired at festivals, in artist-run spaces, and on city streets across the U.S., Cuba, Japan, Kenya, and Europe. Performances have been featured at venues such as the Poetry Project, the Walker Art Center, Los Angeles Contempor…
Jessica Kinnison's work has appeared in Columbia Journal, Phoebe, Entropy, Juked, and The Southern Humanities Review, among other publications. A 2018 Kenyon Review Peter Taylor Fellow, her work has twice been nominated for a Pushcart Prize. In April 2020, she was listed among eight New Orleans poets to watch in POETS…
Read more...NOPF Roadshow: Nicholls State University

Rodney Koeneke is the author of four books of poems: Body & Glass (Wave, 2018), Etruria (Wave, 2014), Musee Mechanique (BlazeVOX, 2006), and Rouge State (Pavement Saw, 2003). His work has appeared in Chicago Review, Fence, Granta, Har…
Dylan Krieger is a Louisiana writer whose experience in the intersection of poetry and online sex work was featured in The Big Smoke in 2021. She is the Managing Editor of Fine Print and the author of seven full-length collections of poetry, as well as a recent chapbook, Hideous Com…
Read more...Writing the Body: The Intersection of Identity and Corporeality

Christopher Kurts is a storyteller and artist in New Orleans, Louisiana. He is the Coordinator for Kolaj Institute, where he has organized artist labs, residencies, workshops and forums which have often led to exhibitions and publications. In this role, Kurts acted as the Art Director for Kolaj Institute…
Christine Kwon is the author of A Ribbon the Most Perfect Blue (Southeast Missouri State University Press, 2023). She is the winner of the 2022 Cowles Poetry Book Prize. Her poems are forthcoming in The Harvard Advocate, Copper Nickel, The Xavier Review, and Annule…
Justin Lacour lives in New Orleans. He edits Trampoline: A Journal of Poetry, He is the author of five chapbooks of poetry, including This Fire (Ursus Americanus Press 2024) and Hulk Church (Belle Point Press, 2023).
LMNL Anthology Contributor Reading
Gerry LaFemina’s most recent collection of poems is 2023’s After the War for Independence. Other recent books are The Pursuit: A Meditation on Happiness (creative nonfiction) and Baby Steps for Doomsday Prepping (prose poems). His previous books include a novel, a collection of…
Isaac George Lauritsen’s acts of writing, drawing, and living most often take place in his hometown of Chicago, IL. His recent poems can be found or are forthcoming in Cola Literary Review, Fine Print Press, Fourteen Hills, New Ohio Review, Rubbertop Review, and elsewhere. His hand drawn picto-p…
Read more...Alyssa Moore’s WET MEDIA Book Launch (w/ Tilted House)

NOPF co-founder Bill Lavender is a poet, novelist, musician, carpenter and publisher living in New Orleans. My ID, his eleventh book of poetry, was published by BlazeVOX in October, 2019. His novel trilogy,…
Read more...Chax Press at 40

Courtney LeBlanc is the author of the full-length collections Her Whole Bright Life (winner of the Jack McCarthy Book Prize, Write Bloody, 2023), Exquisite Bloody, Beating Heart (Riot in Your Throat, 2021) and Beautiful & Full of Monsters (Vegetarian Alcoholic Press, 2020).…
Daniel W.K. Lee is the author of the collection of poetry Anatomy of Want (QueerMojo/Rebel Satori Press, 2019). He is a third generation refugee, queer, and of Cantonese descent. His work as also appeared in various online and print publications, including most recently South Dakota Review…
LAWRENCE LENHART is Associate Chair of English at Northern Arizona University. He is the author of the essay collections Backvalley Ferrets, Dry Safe & Together, and The Well-Stocked and Gilded Cage. With Will Cordeiro, he co-wrote the textbook Experimental Writing. He is a…
Read more...Resonant Visions: A Fusion of Visual Poetry and Sonification

Kimberley is a freelance book editor as well as the managing editor of Gaudy Boy, an NYC-based indie press that publishes Asian voices. She also runs the online literary magazine OF ZOOS.

Ananda Lima is a poet, fiction writer, and translator, the author of Craft: Stories I Wrote for the Devil (forthcoming from Tor Books) and Mother/land (Black Lawrence Press), winner of the Hudson Prize. She is also the author of four chapbooks, including Amblyopia (Bull City Press) and…
Erin Little is a writer and editor from Dallas, Texas. After graduating with a B.A. in English from Loyola University New Orleans, she worked as an editorial assistant for Columbia University Press, Routledge, and Penguin Random House. Her poems and essays have appeared in Crab Creek Review, New Orleans…
Ian U Lockaby is a poet, translator, and editor of the online journal mercury firs. He's the author of Defensible Space/if a crow— (Omnidawn Publishing) and A Seam of Electricity (Ghost Proposal). Recent work appears in journals such as Ecotone…
Read more...A ~~mercury firs~~ Reading
Systems of the Small Press

Parker Logan is from Orlando, Florida and lives in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. His work can be found in Split Lip Magazine, Gulf Coast, Pleiades, HAD and elsewhere. He works as a teen library tech at the East Baton Rouge Parish Library.

Sam Lohmann lives in Vancouver, Washington, and works as an academic librarian. He is the author of several books and chapbooks including Stand on this picnic bench and look north (Publication Studio, 2011) and Unless As Stone Is (eth press, 2014); poems have appeared recently in the ma…
Cameron Lovejoy is a self-taught poet, writer, and fine printer based in New Orleans. He co-edits and operates Tilted House, a small press focussed on intimately made handbound books, and digital work; and has hosted the Rubber Flower reading series since 2017. His poems and reviews have appeared or are…
Read more...Systems of the Small Press
Aditi Machado is a poet, translator, and essayist. Her second book of poems Emporium (Nightboat, 2020) received the James Laughlin Award. Her other works include the poetry collection Some Beheadings (Nightboat, 2017),…
Nick Maione’s poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Harvard Review, Image, Conjunctions, Cleveland Review of Books, The Common, and jubilat, among other journals. He is a recent finalist for the National Poetry Series, and his debut collection, Infinite Arrivals, was published in 2023 (Angelico). Mai…
Addy Malinowski is a poet from Southeast Michigan currently living in Brooklyn, NY. They are a doctoral student in English at CUNY and their work can be found at full-stop mag,…
Dennis Maloney is a poet and translator. A number of volumes of his own poetry have been published including The Map Is Not the Territory, Just Enough, and Listening to Tao Yuan Ming. A bilingual German/English volume, Empty Cup was published in Germany in 2017 and In…
Jessica Manack holds degrees from Hollins University and lives with her family in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Her work has recently appeared in Still: The Journal, Litro Magazine and Fine Print. She was the recipient of a 2022 Curious Creators Grant, and her work has been nominat…
Kristi Maxwell is the author of nine books of poems, including Wide Ass of Night (Saturnalia Books, 2025); Goners (Green Linden Press, 2023), winner of the Wishing Jewel Prize; Realm Sixty-four, editor’s choice for the Sawtooth Poetry Prize and finalist for the National Poetry…
Angie Mazakis’s first book, I Was Waiting to See What You Would Do First was chosen by Billy Collins as a finalist for The Miller Williams Prize, published by University of Arkansas Press, and named one of the Best Books of 2020 by The Boston Globe. Her poems have appeared in The Ne…
E.J. McAdams is a poet, artist, and collaborator exploring language and mark-making in the urban environment using procedures and improvisation with found and natural materials. His first book LAST came out in September 2023 from BlazeVOX [books]…
Read more...Roof Books Group Reading

Tanner Menard is a multi-dimensional artist whose work incorporates visual and sound poetry, ambient composition, and Kundalini Yoga. As the visionary behind UBU University, Tanner is the lead teacher and founder of an online coaching milieu fostering artistic creativity and human evolution. Tanner has r…
U-Meleni Mhlaba-Adebo is a Zimbabwean-American Boston-based poet, author, performance artist, storyteller, and educator with an international reach and a transnational lens. In September 2023 , she was awarded the prestigious Brother Thomas Fellowship.Earlier in the year (January 2023), she received a Certificate of Rec…
Kristen Renee Miller’s poems and translations appear in POETRY, The Kenyon Review, The Common, Guernica, and Best New Poets 2018. Her debut translation, Spawn, by Ilnu Nation poet Marie-Andrée Gill, will be published in 2020. A recipient of honors and…
Nora Claire Miller is the author of the chapbook LULL (2020). Their poems have recently appeared in The Paris Review, FENCE, Chicago Review, Bennington Review, and Washington Square Review. Nora is the editor-in-chief of Ghost Proposal. They hold an MFA from the Iowa W…
Sarah Minor is the author of Slim Confessions: The Universe as a Spider or Spit (Noemi Press 2021), Bright Archive (Rescue Press 2020), and The Persistence of the Bonyleg: Annotated (Essay Press 2016). She’s the recipient of the Barthelme Prize for Short Prose, an Individual Ex…
Peter Money, performing with the Vermont based poetry band Los Lorcas (with bandmates Partridge Boswell and Nat Williams), has published several books since 1991 including American Drone: New & Select Poems (2013), the hybrid novella Che (2010), Saadi Youss…
Yesenia Montilla is an Afro-Latina poet & a daughter of immigrants. She received her MFA from Drew University in Poetry & Poetry in translation. She is a CantoMundo graduate fellow and a 2020 NYFA fellow. Her work has been published in Academy of American Poets Poem-a-Day, Prairie Schooner, Gulf…
Alyssa Moore is an intermedia poet and artist and the author of WET MEDIA (Titled House Press, 2024). They spin surreal fables and myths and misuse tools of productivity for lyricism and pleasure. Alyssa holds degrees from Harvard and the Iowa Writers’ Workshop where she was an Iowa Arts Fellow. She was the inaugural wi…
Read more...Alyssa Moore’s WET MEDIA Book Launch (w/ Tilted House)
Systems of the Small Press

A poet, writer, and researcher, Benjamin Morris is the author of Hattiesburg, Mississippi: A History of the Hub City (Arcadia/H…
Read more..."Towards an Epistemology of Rhyme": the Bagley Wright Lecture Series on Poetry
NOPF Roadshow: Baton Rouge

Simone Muench is the recipient of an NEA Poetry Fellowship and the Meier Foundation for the Arts Award as well as residency fellowships to Yaddo, Artsmith, VCCA, and VSC. She is the author of seven full-length books including Wolf Centos and Orange Crush from Sarabande. She als…
Tawanda Mulalu was born in Gaborone, Botswana. His first book, 'Please make me pretty, I don’t want to die' was selected by Susan Stewart for the Princeton Series of Contemporary Poets, was listed as a best poetry collection of 2022 by The Boston Globe, The New York Times and The Washington Post, and was…
After his late birth, Barry J Muldrey sent an AIM and fell asleep into his computer in 1999. While inside, he learned to drink the plating of the copper and eat the harvest from the fields of electrons. He periodically faxes himself into Sacramento to spend time with his partner and child.

Sean F. Munro is a poet, filmmaker, Associate Professor of English, Associate Editor for Lavender Ink / Diálogos, & Executive Director of the New Orleans Poetry Festival. Sean also co-curates The Splice Poetry Series and manages …
Read more...Sonic Verse: Poets and Musicians Unite off the Page

Geoff Munsterman is a poet & graphic artist originally from Belle Chasse, Louisiana. He is the author of Because the Stars Shine Through It & various chapbooks, most recently Abandon. In 2023, he co-edited The Poetry Buffet: An Anthology of New Orleans Poetry with Gina Ferrara.…
Athena Nassar is an Egyptian-American poet, essayist, and short story writer from Atlanta, Georgia. She is the author of the debut poetry collection Little Houses (Sundress Publications). She is the winner of the 2021 San Miguel Writers’ Conference Writing Contest, the 2021 Academy of American P…
blake nemec is the author of Sharing Plastic, as well as poems, articles and fiction that center the musicality of conversations and the decriminalization of marginalized bodies. He is a Lambda and …
Read more...Dao Nguyen is a Chicago-based, interdisciplinary artist. Their name is a homophone for the Vietnamese word for knife. They are the compact, red Leatherman multi-tool your aunt gave you for Christmas ten years ago. On sale at Marshall’s. Versatility and hidden strength in a small package at a dis…
M.A. Nicholson is a New Orleans poet, editor, educator, journalist, and arts administrator. An alumna of Loyola University and a M.F.A. graduate from the University of New Orleans—where she served as Associate Poetry Editor for Bayou Magazine—M.A. was the recipient of the 2021 Andrea-Saunders Gereighty A…
Read more...Poems to Navigate Home

Leah Nieboer grew up in rural Iowa. She is a poet, Deep Listener, graduate of the Warren Wilson MFA Program for Writers, and current PhD candidate in English & Literary Arts at the University of Denver. Her debut book, SOFT APOCALYPSE, was selected by Andrew Zawacki for the 2021 Georgia Poet…
Read more...Small Press Reading 4

Tiana Nobile 문영신 is a Korean American adoptee and author of Cleave (Hub City Press, 2021). She is a recipient of a Rona Jaffe Foundation Writer's Award and a member of The Starlings Collective. Her writing has appeared in Poetry Northwest,…
Sarah Rose Nordgren is a poet, writer, educator, and activist. She is the author of four books of poetry and prose, including, most recently, Feathers: A Bird Hat Wearer’s Journal, which earned the Essay Press Book Prize and was called…
Biljana D. Obradović, a Serbian-American poet, translator, critic, Professor of English at Xavier University of Louisiana in New Orleans, has published four collections of poems, Le Riche Monde (1999), Frozen Embraces (2001, won the Rastko Petrović award), Incognito (WordTech P…
Todd Osborne is a poet and teacher originally from Nashville, TN. His debut poetry collection, Gatherer, is forthcoming from Belle Point Press in 2024. His poetry has appeared at The Missouri Review, Tar River Poetry, EcoTheo Review, and elsewhere. He lives and writes in Hattiesburg, MS, with his wife and their three cat…

Samantha Padgett graduated with an MFA from Sam Houston State University. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Poet Lore, Cleaver Magazine, New Ohio Review, New American Review, American Literary Review, and elsewhere. She lives in Austin, TX with her partner and her cat.

Andrea Panzeca is a teaching artist with KID smART and has taught visual art and dance at the Contemporary Arts Center, environmental education at UNO’s Coastal Education and Research Facility, and modern dance at Lelia Haller School of Ballet. With support from The Platforms Fund, she’s developing a mul…
Thomas Parrie is affiliated with the Choctaw-Apache Tribe of Ebarb in west Louisiana. He holds a MA from Northwestern State University and a MFA from Mcneese State University. He is the author of Toledo Rez & Other Myths from That Painted Horse Press. It is his debut collection. He lives and works in Hammond, Louisia…
Lisa Pasold is originally from Tiohtià:ke/Montréal and has published 6 books. Her 2012 book, Any Bright Horse, was nominated for Canada’s Governor General’s Award for Poetry. She has been writing daily poems for two decades; the resulting work has appeared in magazines such as Fence,…
Read more...NOPF Roadshow: Baton Rouge

Bleah Patterson (she/her) was born and raised in Texas. She is a poet exploring generational and religious trauma. A current MFA candidate at Sam Houston State University, her work in poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, book reviews, and interviews have been featured or are forthcoming in The Brazo…
Laura Paul is a writer and artist published in The Brooklyn Rail, Los Angeles Review of Books, Tarpaulin Sky Magazine, Pangyrus, minor literature[s], Dream Pop Journal, and other outlets. Her work has been exhibited at the Armory Center for the Arts, Other Places Art Fair, L.A. Zine Fest, and We…
Current Louisiana Poet Laureate Alison Pelegrin is the author of four poetry collections, most recently Waterlines (2016) and Our Lady of Bewilderments (2022), both with LSU Press. The recipient of fellowships from the NEA, and the Louisiana Board of Regents, she is Writer-in-Residence…
Read more...NOPF Roadshow: Southeastern University

Angela Peñaredondo is a queer, nonbinary and interdisciplinary Filipinx poet and educator. They are the author of nature felt but never apprehended (Noemi Press, 2023) All Things Lose Thousands of Times (Inlandia Institute, winner of a Hillary Gravendyk Book Prize) and the chapbook Maroon (Jam…
Charlotte Pence’s most recent book of poems, Code, received the 2020 Book of the Year award from APS and was shortlisted for Best Indie Poetry Books of 2020 by Foreword Reviews. Code details not only the life cycle of birth and death, but also the means of this cycle: DNA itself. Her first book of poems…
Jonathan Penton founded the electronic journal Unlikely Stories in 1998, and continues to run it as editor-in-chief. He serves and has served in an editorial, management, or technical role for numerous arts organizations, including Big Bridge and MadHat, Inc. He now se…
Read more...NOPF Roadshow: Nicholls State University

Chuck Perkins is an American spoken word poet, orator, narrator, and activist who infuses the rhythms and vernacular from the Crescent City into his musical spoken word pieces. The New Orleans Times-Picayune says that he "recites poetry like a prize fighter...always going for a knock out." He has perform…
Danielle Pieratti is the author most recently of Approximate Body (Carnegie Mellon University Press 2023). Her first book, Fugitives,…
Octavio Quintanilla is the author of the poetry collection, If I Go Missing, the founder and director of the literature & arts festival, VersoFrontera, publisher of Alabrava Press, and former Poet Laureate of San Antonio, TX. His Frontextos (visual poems) have been published and exhibited wi…
Read more...VISPO On The Page & In The Classroom: A Practice to Unsilence

Sarah A. Rae lives in Chicago and is a native of Champaign, Illinois. She has worked as an educator and holds an MFA in Creative Writing from the University of New Orleans. Her chapbook, Someplace Else, was published by dancing girl press in 2020. Her work may also be found in Gyroscope Rev…
Caroline Rash is a writer, quilter, and teacher. Her poetry and nonfiction have appeared in Fine Print, North Carolina Literary Review, Decider, and Connotation Press. Her essay, "Love—and Mushroom and Zooms—In the Ruins" was a finalist for the 2021 Alex Albright Prize…
Kirsten Reneau is a writer living in New Orleans. A hybrid writer, her work has been published in The Threepenny Review, Alaska Quarterly Review, Hippocampus Magazine, and others. Her debut essay collection, Sensitive Creatures, will be out in March with Belle Point Press

Anastacia-Renee (She/They) is an award-winning writer, educator, interdisciplinary artist, TEDx Speaker and podcaster. She is the author of Side Notes from the Archivist (HarperCollins/Amistad), (v.) (Black Ocean), Forget It (Black Radish) and Here In The (Middle) of Nowher…
Luivette Resto is an award-winning poet, a mother of 3 revolutionary humans, a Wonder Woman fan, and a middle school English teacher. She was born in Aguas Buenas, Puerto Rico but proudly raised in the Bronx. She is a CantoMundo and Macondo Fellow and a Pushcart Prize nominee. Her two books of poetry…
Read more...Latinas de las Americas

Michael Robins is the author of five collections of poetry, including The Bright Invisible (2022) and People You May Know (2020), both from Saturnalia Books. He lives in Lake Charles, Louisiana, where he teaches in the MFA program at McNeese State University and serves as Editor of …
Kristina Kay Robinson is a writer and visual artist born and raised in New Orleans, Louisiana. Her written and visual work centers the intellectual geographies and spiritual technologies of Black, Afro-Indigenous, and diasporic peoples. It interrogates the modern and ancient connections between world co…
Tony Robles is the author of 3 collections of poetry, Cool Don't Live Here No More--A letter to San Francisco, Fingerprints of a Hunger Strike and his latest, Thrift Store Metamorphosis, published by Redhawk Publications in Hickory, North Carolina. His work has been published widely in…
Flávia Rocha is a Brazilian writer based in Portland, OR. Author of four books of poems published in Brazil: Exosfera (Editora Nós, 2021, also available in Portugal), Um País (Confraria do Vento, 2015), Quartos Habitáveis (Confraria do Vento, 2009), A Casa Azul ao Meio-Dia…
Short Bio: Christopher Louis Romaguera is a Cuban-American writer who lives in New Orleans, Louisiana. He was born in Hialeah, Florida and graduated from Florida International University in Miami, Florida. He has an MFA in Creative Writing at the University of New Orleans. Romaguera has been published in Passages…

Michael Ruby is a poet, literary editor and journalist. He is the author of eight poetry books, most recently Compulsive Words (BlazeVOX, 2010), American Songbook (Ugly Duckling, 2013), The Mouth of the Bay (BlazeVOX, 2019), The Star-Spangled Banner (Station Hill, 2020…
Gabrielle Octavia Rucker is a writer, editor and teaching artist from the Great Lakes currently living in the Gulf Coast. She is a 2020 Poetry Project Fellow, a 2016 Kimbilio Fiction Fellow, and the founder of the The Seminary of Ecstatic Poetics, a non-traditional learning space for the poetically minde…
Read more...Poetry & Environmental Justice

Stefene Russell is a recent New Orleans transplant by way of St. Louis and is currently pursuing her MFA in poetry at the University of New Orleans. She was the 2018 Laumeier Sculpture Park poet-in-residence and is the author of 47 Incantatory Essays (Spartan Press, 2019), The Possum Codex…
New Orleans editor, writer, filmmaker and teacher Kalamu ya Salaam is founder of the Neo-Griot Workshop (1995 - 2005), a Black writers workshop focusing on text, recordings and videos; co-founder with Kysha Brown-Robinson of Runagate Multimedia publishing company; and moderator of e-Drum, a listserv for…
Mona Lisa Saloy, Ph.D. Louisiana Poet Laureate (2021-2023), is an author, folklorist, Louisiana Folklife Commissioner, educator, and scholar of Creole culture in articles, documentaries, and poems about Black New Orleans before and after Katrina; currently Conrad N. Hilton Endowed Professor of English at…
Read more...Filipino/African American Versers: Poetry to Support a Community
Yaccaira Salvatierra’s poems have appeared in POETRY Magazine, The Nation, Huizache, and Rattle among others. Her collection, Sons of Salt, is forthcoming with BOA Editions in 2024. She is an organizer for the San Francisco International Flor y Canto Literary Festival and a contributing poetry editor for…
Vanessa Saunders is a writer from the San Francisco Bay Area.

Zach Savich's latest books are the poetry collection Momently (Black Ocean, 2024) and the hybrid critical-memoir for performance A Field of Telephones (53rd State Press, 2025). He teaches at the Cleveland Institute of Art.

Mark Scroggins is a poet, biographer, and critic. He has written or edited several books on the poet Louis Zukofsky, including the widely reviewed The Poem of a Life: A Biography of Louis Zukofsky. His essays and reviews have been collected in three volumes, most recently Arcane Pleasures: O…
Read more...A MadHat Press / White Pine Press reading

Jimin Seo was born in Seoul, Korea and immigrated to the US to join his family at the age of eight. He earned his MFA from Columbia University and BA from Florida State University. He is the author of OSSIA (2024), winner of The Changes Book Prize judged by Louise Glück. His poems can be found in Acti…
Martha Serpas has published four poetry collections including The Dirty Side of the Storm and Double Effect. She co-produced Veins in the Gulf, a documentary about southern Louisiana’s land loss crisis. She teaches creative writing at the University of Houston and works as a hospital an…
Rone Shavers is author of the experimental Afrofuturist novel Silverfish (Clash Books), a finalist for the 2021 CLMP Firecracker Award in Fiction and one of The Brooklyn Rail’s “Best Books of 2020.” His work has appeared in numerous journals, including Action Spectacle, Big…
Read more...READING EXPERIMENT IN PROGRESS: A Collaborative Performance

Michael Martin Shea is the author of multiple chapbooks of poetry and hybrid writing, including To Hell With Good Intentions (Beautiful Days Press, 2024) and I'm Sorry But None of This Is My Fault (Essay Press, 2025). He is also the translator of the Argentine poet Liliana Ponce's T…
James Sherry is the author of 14 books of poetry and prose. Recent titles include Selfie: Poetry, Social Change & Ecological Connection (Palgrave Macmillan, 2022) and Entangled Bank (Chax Press, 2016). His selected works, Comin' 'Round, will be published by Chax Press in Oc…
Read more...Roof Books Group Reading
Chax Press at 40

Christopher Shipman (he/him) lives on Eno, Sappony, & Shakori land in Greensboro, NC, where he teaches literature and creative writing at New Garden Friends School & plays drums in The Goodbye Horses. Recent work appears or is forthcoming in Denver Quarterly, Iron Horse Literary Review, Fence, Pedestal, Poetr…
Read more...An Unlikely Stories Reading
Eleni Sikelianos the author of ten books of poetry and two hybrid works which employ a range of forms and fields, often the sciences, as a means to explore ways of knowing. Deeply engaged with ecopoetics, taking up urgent concerns of environmental precarity and ancestral lineages, her most recent book is…
Shuan Sim is a lifelong learner and storyteller of the tales he encounters. Currently a communications director for a health system in New York, his storytelling journey spans journalism, content and creative consultation, and short stories/poetry. Published works include a children's book The Flood…
Erin Elizabeth Smith (she/her) is the Executive Director of Sundress Publications and the Sundress Academy for the Arts and a 2023 Academy of American Poets Laureate Fellow. She is the author of three full-length collections of poetry, most recently DOWN (SFASU 2020) and the founder of the Best…
Kristine Snodgrass is an artist, poet, professor, editor, cultural advocate, and publisher living in Tallahassee, Florida. Her written and visual works have appeared world-wide. She has collaborated with dozens of artists, writers, and musicians.
As Co-director of …
Read more...Resonant Visions: A Fusion of Visual Poetry and Sonification

Kimberly Ann Southwick is the founder and editor in chief of the literary arts journal Gigantic Sequins. She is the author of the debut full-length poetry collection, Orchid Alpha (Trembling Pillow Press, 2023), amongst other chapbooks. Currently, she lives in Saks, Alabama, and is an A…
Danika Stegeman’s second book, Ablation, is available from 11:11 Press November 1st, 2023. Her book Pilot (2020) was published by Spork Press. She’s a 2023 recipient of a grant from the Barbara Deming Memorial Fund and recently spent a 2-week residency in Marathon, TX outside Big Bend N…
Read more...A ~~mercury firs~~ Reading

Jennifer Sperry Steinorth’s books include A Wake with Nine Shades (Texas Review Press, 2019) and Her Read, A Graphic Poem (Texas Review Press, 2021), recipient of Foreword Review’s bronze prize in poetry and Texas Institute of Letters’ Fred Whitehead Award for Design. She lectures at the University of Michigan and is a 2…
Read more...VISPO On The Page & In The Classroom: A Practice to Unsilence

Jordan Stempleman is the author of nine poetry collections, including Cover Songs (The Blue Turn), Wallop, and No, Not Today (from Magic Helicopter Press). Beyond his role as an author, he serves as the editor for The Continental Review, Windfall Room, and Sprung Formal. Since…
Sarah Stickney's poems have appeared in journals such as Crazyhorse, Massachusetts Review, Guesthouse Lit, Forklift Ohio, and others. Her chapbook Portico was selected by Thomas Lux as 2016 winner of Emrys Press's annual competition. Her co-translations of Elis…
BIANCA STONE author of the poetry collections What is Otherwise Infinite (Tin House, 2022) winner of the 2023 Vermont Book Award; The Möbius Strip Club of Grief (Tin House, 2018), Someone Else’s Wedding Vows (Octopus Books and Tin House, 2014) and collaborated with Anne Carson on the illuminate…
Janaka Stucky is a poet, performer, and practicing mystic. He is the founding editor of the award-winning press Black Ocean, and the author of four poetry collections including Ascend Ascend (Third Man Books, 2019)—which was released as a live performance with cellist Lori Goldston by Neurot Rec…
Read more...Sonic Verse: Poets and Musicians Unite off the Page
Roundtable: Department of Lost-and-Found

Melissa Studdard’s most recent poetry collection is Dear Selection Committee (Jackleg Press). Her work has been featured by PBS, NPR, The New York Times, The Guardian, Ms. Magazine, the Best American Poetry blog, and the Academy of American Poets’ Poem-a-Day series and has app…
Read more...Marketing Your Writing: Simple Steps to Help Sell Your Poetry

Marcela Sulak’s translations from the Czech include Karel Hynek Macha’s May and K. J. Erben’s A Bouquet of Czech Folktales, from the Hebrew Twenty Girls to Envy Me. The Selected Poems of Orit Gidali, nominated for the 2016 PEN Award for Poetry in Translation. For her current wo…
Meghan Sullivan is a poet, teacher, Long Islander, and lover. Currently living and working in New Orleans, she is the runner up for the 2022 Andrea-Saunders Gereighty Award and an Associate Editor for Bayou Magazine. She is pursuing her MFA in Poetry in the Creative Writing Workshop at the University of New Orleans. You…

Shelly Taylor is the author of three full-length poetry collections, B-Side Girls Knockin’ Sugar in the Gourd (The Magnificent Field, 2021), Lions, Remonstrance (Coconut Books Braddock Book Prize, 2014) and Black-Eyed Heifer (Tarpaulin Sky, 2010). She is co-editor, with Abraham…
Aliah Lavonne Tigh is an Iranian American author, teacher, artist, and their work studies both infrastructures of power and ecological connection. The author of Weren’t We Natural Swimmers, a 2022…
Rodrigo Toscano is a poet and essayist based in New Orleans. He is the author of eleven books of poetry. His latest two books are The Cut Point (Counterpath, 2023), The Charm & The Dread (Fence Books, 2022). His previous books include In…
Read more...Now You See Me Now You Don't--A Roundtable
NOPF Roadshow: Jefferson Parish

Nikki Ummel is a queer artist and an editor for Bear Review. Nikki has been published or has work forthcoming with Gulf Coast, The Georgia Review, Black Lawrence Press, and others. She is the 2022 recipient of the Leslie McGrath Poetry Prize and 2023 recipient of the Juxtaprose Poetry…
Read more...Dancing with Form: Partner, Connection, Lead and Follow "Music begins to atrophy when it departs too far from the dance... poetry begins to atrophy when it gets too far from music." -Ezra Pound
Writing the Body: The Intersection of Identity and Corporeality

Danielle "Danny" Unger is a poet and social worker living in New Orleans, Louisiana.

Viktoria Valenzuela is a writer, publisher, editor, educator, Chicana M(other) living in San Antonio, Texas. Her poetry is published in such anthologies as Contra Contra: Texas Poets Speak Out(Flower Song Press), We Are Not Your Metaphor: Zoeglossia Anthology, and forthcoming in Beauty is a Verb II: Anth…
Anatalia Vallez is a writer, actor, and creative alchemist from Southern California. Inspired by her family's roots in Mexico, her work addresses everything from migration, machismo, her relationship to nature, and seeking intimate truths through art.
In 2020 she became the author of the poetry c…
Read more...Karla Van Vliet's newest books are She Speaks in Tongues (Anhinga Press,) a collection of poems and asemic writings, and Fluency: A Collection of Asemic Writings (Shanti Arts.) She is also the author of From the Book of Remembrance and The River From My Mouth, collections of poetry and paintings, published by Shanti Arts…
Edward Vidaurre is an award-winning poet and author of nine collections of poetry. He is the 2018-2019 City of McAllen, Texas Poet Laureate, 2022 inductee to the Texas Institute of Letters, and publisher of FlowerSong Press. His writings have appeared in The New York Times Magazine, The Texas Observer, L…
Marc Vincenz is a poet, fiction writer, translator, editor, musician and artist. He has published over 30 books of poetry, fiction and translation. His more recent collections include, A Brief Conversation with Consciousness, The Pearl Diver of Irunmani, A Splash of Cave Paint, The King of Prussia is…
Read more...Deep Breath: A Roundtable on Postmodern American Poetry
Brad Vogel is the author of Broad Meadow Bird: 15 Years of Poetry, as well as the forthcoming chapbook Find Me in the Feral Pockets: Gowanus Poems. He is the founder and coordinator of NYC Poets Afloat, a residency and reading series on ships in New York Harbor, as well as the Gowanus Dawn Reading annual…
Born & raised in New Orleans, Bernardo Wade tries at poems, catches elbows on the court, & rides his bike around Bloomington, IN, because IU funds his present period of studying with others. He currently serves as Editor & CNF Editor of Indiana Review. Though he’s published in a bunch of literary journals no…
Read more...NOPF Roadshow: Jefferson Parish

Sara Wainscott is the author of Insecurity System (Persea 2020) and several chapbooks. She lives on the edge of Chicago.

Ken Walker (he/him/his) is the author of the chapbooks Traces of Drains (Either Or Not Editions, 2024), Antworten (Greying Ghost, 2017), and Twenty Glasses of Water (Diez, 2014). His poems and translations can be found in Boston Review, The Brooklyn Rail, …
Read more...Michael Joseph Walsh is the author of Innocence (CSU Poetry Center, 2022) and co-editor of APARTMENT Poetry. His poems, reviews, and translations from the Korean have appeared in the Brooklyn Rail, …
Read more...Dr. Ping Wang was born in Shanghai, earned her BA in Beijing University, PhD at NYU, MD at AAAOM (traditional Chinese Medicine). Her books of poetry and prose include: The River Within, My Name Is Immigrant, Life of Miracles along the Yangtze and Mississippi, among others. She’s recipie…
Read more...Kinship of Rivers Flag Installation and Interactive Exhibit

Originally from Mississippi, Hannah V Warren is a poet, translator, literary critic, and Fulbright Scholar living in Birmingham, AL. Along with authoring the poetry collection Slaughterhouse for Old Wives’ Tales (2024) and two chapbooks, she was awarded a Pen/HEIM Translation Grant for her work with German poetr…
Read more...Heuristics of Horror: Automata, Media, Utopia
Translation as Poetic Practice: Five Case Studies

Priscilla Wathington is the author of the chapbook, Paper and Stick (Tram Editions), which draws from her work with NGOs such as Defense for Children International – Palestine, Norwegian Refugee Council and the Arab American Action Network. Her poems have appeared in Gulf Coast, Mic…
Jeff Weddle is a poet, short story writer and small press historian living in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. Among his thirteen books are the Welty Prize winning Bohemian New Orleans: The Story of the Outsider and Loujon Press (University Press of Mississippi, 2007), When Giraffes Flew: Short Stories…
Whiskey Radish is the creator of the nDada style of poetry. nDada is a combination of an unconventional, perhaps absurd, cartoon, and a poem or prose poem; the two are entirely unrelated, and often come together by pure, surrealist, chance. The cartoon is done by hand, while the poetry is written with a…
Read more...titter-titter ... tee-hee ... YIKES!: A Conversation on Humor in Women's Poetry

Gregg Wilhelm is Director of Mason Creative Writing and oversees the BFA and MFA in Creative Writing programs at George Mason University, where he is an associate professor. In 2004, he founded the nonprofit literary arts organization CityLit Project, which continues to serve readers and writers in the B…
Adele Elise Williams is the author of WAGER selected by Patricia Smith for the 2024 Miller Williams Poetry Series. She is a PhD candidate in Literature and Creative Writing at the University of Hou…
Read more...Small Press Reading 1

Consuelo Wise is a Guatemalan American poet and artist. She currently teaches at Portland State University. Her first book, b o y, is forthcoming from Omnidawn in 2024.

Jane Wong is the author of the debut memoir Meet Me Tonight in Atlantic City (Tin House, 2023). She also wrote two poetry collections: How to Not Be Afraid of Everything (Alice James, 2021) and Overpour (Action Books, 2016). A Kundiman fellow, she is the recipient of a Pushcart…
Marshall Woodward is a MFA candidate at the University of Houston’s Creative Writing Program where he is an Inprint Fellow and an assistant poetry editor for Gulf Coast. His poetry has recently been featured in Hot Pink, Spectra, FENCE, and b l u s h. The rec…
Read more...Alicia Wright is originally from Georgia, and has received fellowships from the Iowa Writers' Workshop and the University of Denver, where she is currently a PhD candidate in English & Literary Arts. She is the editor of Annulet: A Journal of Poetics. Her poems appear in the Paris Review…
Grzegorz Wróblewski was born in 1962 in Gdańsk and grew up in Warsaw. Since 1985 he has been living in Copenhagen. He is the author of dozens of volumes of poetry, essays, and drama in Poland, as well as several books in Denmark and other countries. His work has been translated into Bosnian, Czech, Danis…
Candice Wuehle is the author of the novel MONARCH (Soft Skull Press) as well as three collections of poetry including Death Industrial Complex (Action Books), Fidelitoria: Fixed or Fluxed (11:11 Press) and BOUND (Inside the Castle).

Gunnar Wærness, born 1971 Trondheim, Norway, lives in Sweden. Poet, artist, musician and translator. Latest book Kosmos' beibi (2023). The book Friends with everyone (translated by Gabriel Gudding) will be published in the U.S by Action books in April 2024.
Synchronicity and Causality between Poet-Translators and What They Translate

Charity E. Yoro is a steward of words and other beings. Her writing has appeared in the New York Times, The Rumpus,, Tupelo Quarterly, and elsewhere, and has been supported by Regional Arts & Culture Council and Sustainable Arts Fou…
Read more...Andy Young's second full-length collection, Museum of the Soon to Depart, was published by Carnegie Mellon University Press in October. She is also the author of All Night It Is Morning (Diálogos Press, 2014) and four chapbooks. She holds an MFA from the Program for Writers at Warren Wi…
Read more...Sonic Verse: Poets and Musicians Unite off the Page

Elizabeth Marie Young is a Boston-based poet and educator. She spent a decade as a professor of ancient Greek and Roman languages and literature and has published widely on the poetry and culture of ancient Rome. Her first book of poems, Aim Straight at the Fountain and Press Vaporize, won the M…
Jess Yuan is a poet, educator, and architect. Her collection, Slow Render>, is forthcoming in February 2024 as winner of the Airlie Prize, and her chapbook Threshold Amnesia (2020) was winner of the Yemassee Chapbook Contest. She is a Kundiman fellow and is currently earning her MFA…
R. Zack Zachary is an independent Chaplain, an inspirational Poet, Storyteller, Singer, Visionary, and Activist. His presentations combine life, music, poetry, history and storytelling with positive and holistic perspectives of how we will win our fight for freedom, justice, and peace.
Zack majore…
Magdalena Zurawski's novel The Bruise was published in 2008 by FC2/University of Alabama Press. It received both a 2008 Lambda Award and the 2007 Ronald Sukenick-American Book Review Innovative Fiction Prize. Litmus Press published her poetry collection…
Read more...Synchronicity and Causality between Poet-Translators and What They Translate