Alyssa Moore

Alyssa Moore is an intermedia poet and artist and the author of WET MEDIA (Titled House Press, 2024).  They spin surreal fables and myths and misuse tools of productivity for lyricism and pleasure. Alyssa holds degrees from Harvard and the Iowa Writers’ Workshop where she was an Iowa Arts Fellow. She was the inaugural winner of Poetry Magazine's Prize for Visual Poetry. Their work has appeared in Boston Review, Poetry, Hyperallergic, Tagvverk, Futurepoem, and elsewhere. She is an editor for Ghost Proposal, a journal for poetry and work outside of traditional notions of genre.

2024 Events
Disciples of the Inter-: Converting the Technological Monopoly of the Page
Alyssa Moore’s WET MEDIA Book Launch (w/ Tilted House)
Systems of the Small Press
2025 Events
Strange Symmetry: A Call & Response Reading Co-hosted by DIALOGIST & Tyger Quarterly
Lagniappe Reading 7