Aliah Lavonne Tigh is an Iranian American author, teacher, artist, and their work studies both infrastructures of power and ecological connection. The author of Weren’t We Natural Swimmers, a 2022 chapbook with Tram Editions, their poems have appeared in the Academy of American Poets’ Poem-A-Day, Mizna, Guernica, The Texas Review, Matter Monthly, The Rupture, and others. They have recent work in Split This Rock’s Poem of the Week and Gulf Coast Journal. Tigh has contributed work for a Gulf Coast Journal and Texas Contemporary ekphrastic collaboration, and their work has also been supported by the Tin House Summer Workshop, The Brooklyn Rail, and others. Tigh lives and works in Houston, Texas. You can find them on social media @ALoveTigh.
Aliah Lavonne Tigh
2024 Events
Margins That Matter: A Celebration of TRAM Editions Poets