M.B. McLatchey is a widely-published poet and the recipient of several literary awards, including the American Poet Prize from the American Poetry Journal and the Annie Finch Prize from the National Poetry Review. She won the 2013 May Swenson Award for her debut poetry collection, The Lame God (Utah State Univ. Press) and Finalist Place in the New Women’s Voices Competition for her book Advantages of Believing (Finishing Line Press). Excerpts from her recently-completed memoir, Beginner’s Mind, won The Penelope Niven Creative Nonfiction Award. Recently elected as Florida’s Poet Laureate for Volusia County, she is a Professor of Classics at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach, Florida. In 2017, she was featured by the Association of Writers & Writers Programs in their Spotlight for Writers-to-Watch: https://www.awpwriter.org/community_calendar/spotlight_view/mb_mclatchey
Visit her at www.mbmclatchey.com.