Laura Mullen has been a MacDowell and Karolyi Foundation Fellow, a featured poet at the International Poetry Festival in Taipei, a Rona Jaffe Award recipient and a National Endowment for the Arts Fellow. She holds degrees from the University of Iowa and U.C. Berkeley and has taught at Naropa, Brown, and Columbia College as well as Colby, Colorado State University, and Louisiana State University—among other institutions Her collections of poetry include EtC (2023), Complicated Grief (2015), Enduring Freedom (2012), Dark Archive (2011), Murmur (2007), After I Was Dead (1999), and The Surface (1991), which was a National Poetry Series selection. Her poems are included in Postmodern American Poetry (2013), American Hybrid (2009), The Arcadia Project: North American Postmodern Pastoral (2012), and I'll Drown my Book: Conceptual Writing by Women (2012), among other anthologies. Black Square Editions published her translation of Véronique Pittolo’s HERO (2019) and an artist’s book with photographs by John David O’Brien, Verge, was published in a limited edition in 2018. Her translation of Stéphanie Chaillou's first book is forthcoming from Lavender Ink / Diálogos. She lives in California.
Post-Apocalyptic Polyvocality
Raising the Dead