EMILY M. GOLDSMITH (they/them) is a queer Cajun-Louisiana Creole poet originally from Baton Rouge, Louisiana. They are a Ph.D. candidate in Creative Writing at the University of Southern Mississippi. Emily received their MFA in Poetry from the University of Kentucky in 2021. A Pushcart-nominated poet, their creative work can be found or is forthcoming in The Penn Review, Zaum, Eucalyptus Lit, LaCreole Journal, Vagabond City Lit, Genrepunk Magazine, Fine Print Press, Witch Craft Mag, and elsewhere. Their chapbook, Alligator is a Fish, was a 2024 finalist for Spoon River Poetry Review's Chapbook Contest and a 2023 finalist for Two Sylvia's Press and DIAGRAM's Chapbook Prize Contests. Their book reviews have been published in places such as Tinderbox, and they have presented their academic work at various national and international conferences. They were formerly the Editor-in-Chief of New Limestone Review and the Managing Editor of Product Magazine and Giving Room Mag.
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