Marc Vincenz is a poet, fiction writer, translator, editor, musician and artist. He has published over 30 books of poetry, fiction and translation. His more recent collections include, A Brief Conversation with Consciousness, The Pearl Diver of Irunmani, A Splash of Cave Paint, The King of Prussia is Drunk on Stars, the novelette, The Visitation. His work has been published in The Nation, Ploughshares, Raritan, Colorado Review, Washington Square Review, Fourteen Hills, Willow Springs, World Literature Today, Colorado Review, The Golden Handcuffs Review, The Los Angeles Review of Books and many other journals and periodicals. Forthcoming collections are Spells for the Wicked (Unlikely Books) and No More Animal Poems (White Pine Press).
His translation of Klaus Merz’ selected poems (1963-2016), An Audible Blue, won the 2023 Massachusetts Book Award for Translation.
He is publisher and editor of MadHat Press and her imprints, and publisher of New American Writing, spoKe, and the newly revived journal, Salt, and lives on a farm in Western Massachusetts where there are more star-nosed voles, tufted grey-buckle hares and Amoeba scintilla than bipedal creatures.
Deep Breath: A Roundtable on Postmodern American Poetry
Unlikely Stories: A Reading through Strange Times