The 2025 New Orleans Poetry Festival's Small Press Bookfair will take place at the New Orleans Healing Center on Saturday and Sunday, April 12–13, from 9 AM to 5 PM. Open to the public, it's a great opportunity to showcase your publications. Support the festival by purchasing a table, as these presses and organizations have done:

POETRY magazine  
Anhinga Press  
Roof Books  
The Pinch  
Gigantic Sequins  
Aquarius Press  
Luna Pres  
Factory Hollow Press  
Flowersong Press  
Dusie Books  
The Georgia Review  
Belle Point Press  
Poets Dream
Sarabande Books
Unlikely Books / Rigorous  
Trembling Pillow  
Xavier Review  
Meadowlark Press  
Antenna Press Street  
Belle Point Press  
Gaudy Boy Press  
Riot in Your Throat  
Defunkt Press  
Los Lorcas  
Sublimity City
Chax Press
Lavender Ink / Diálogos  
Tilted House  
Rebel Satori Press  
Kelsey Street Press  
Portals Press  
Pulley Pres  
Sundress Publications  
Madhat Press  
White Pine Press
Beautiful Days Press  
Tram Editions
Nightboat Books

Use the form below to purchase a table; please list the table name, either in the box below or in the "Instructions to Seller" when you check out. (Please ignore the "Individual Registration" option in the pull-down.)

Name of Table


Tubby & Coos hosts the NOPF Consignment Table.

If you're coming to NOPF and want to sell your books but don't have a table representing your work, you can consign to our main table, hosted by Tubby and Coos Bookshop. Use their convenient consignment form to get your book on the table.