Our Purpose
To build community connection through collaboration under the guise of poetry
Mission Statement: To increase the awareness, interaction and participation of poets and poetry with the public at large. This is done to enhance the contribution of poetry in all aspects of contemporary society.
The Poetry Matters Project consists of three programs.
I. Poetry Matters Literary Prizes
Mission Statement: We believe the intent to act ethically, clarity of guidelines, and transparency of process form the foundation of an ethical contest. To that end we agree to: Conduct our contest as ethically as possible. Provide clear and specific contest guidelines/defining conflict of interest for all parties involved. Make the mechanics of our selection process available to the public.
II. Community Based Programs
Open Mic/ Spoken Word Events: Community Guest Readers-
III. Community Collaborations
Publication of anthologies with P.R.A. Publishing.
Internships: Augusta and Tulane Universities