A reading to celebrate the launch of the third issue of second factory, a journal from Ugly Duckling Presse. Second Factory showcases work from a variety of poets and artists in each issue. Spotted like a bird in the wild, heard as a grinding piece of machinery, Second Factory manifests in examples: an office park of shadows; a vast and boundless shed; a grape in the risograph; a butterfly in a net. Issue 3 features work by Virginie Poitrasson (tr. Mary Reilly), Lana Lephamer, Homa Zarghamee, Emmalea Russo, Claire Dougherty, Bianca Messinger, Chad Reynolds, Katherine Gibbel, Austin Rodenbiker, Guillermo Rebollo-Gil, Ariel Yelen, Patty Nash, Holly Woodward, Emily Barton Altman, J. Vera Lee, Noreen Khawaja, Tesa Blue Flores, Larry Blazek, Timmy Straw, Sara Ann Gilmore, and Joe Milutis. https://uglyducklingpresse.
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