Melisa Machado

Melisa Machado nació en Durazno, Uruguay, en 1966. Vive en Montevideo. Escribió los libros de poesía: “Ritual de las Primicias” (Ed. Imaginarias, Montevideo, 1994), “El lodo de la Estirpe” (Ed. Artefato, Montevideo, 2005), “Adarga” (2000), “Jamba de Flores Negras” (2006) y Marjal o Animal (2008), reunidos en Rituales (Estuario, Montevideo, 2011) y El Canto Rojo, (Ed. Sediento, México, 2013, Ed. Ellerstroms, Suecia y Ed. Action Books, EEUU). Poemas suyos han sido incluidos en varias antologías, entre ellas “El Amplio Jardín” (embajada de Colombia y Ministerio de Educación y Cultura, -MEC-, 2005), “Nada es igual después de la poesía: Cincuenta poetas uruguayos del medio siglo, 1955-2005”, (MEC y Archivo General de la Nación, 2005) y The world record, (Bloodaxe Books Ltd & Southbank Centre, Londres 2012). Por su obra poética ha recibido varias distinciones, entre ellas las becas Cuny/Mec (2010) y Fefca/Mec (2012). Ha realizado lecturas de su poesía en el City College de Nueva York, la Universidad de Brown, el Smith College y en festivales internacionales de poesía en Nicaragua, México e Inglaterra. Parte de su obra ha sido traducida al inglés, al italiano y al sueco.

Melisa Maxhado was born in Durazno, Uruguay, in 1966. She lives in Montevideo. She wrotes the books: "Ritual of the Firstfruits" (Ed. Imaginarias, Montevideo, 1994), "The Mud of the Straight" (Ed. Artefato, Montevideo, 2005), "Adarga" (2000), "Jamba de Flores Negras ”(2006) and Marjal or Animal (2008), gathered in Rituals (Estuary, Montevideo, 2011) and El Canto Rojo, (Ed. Sediento, Mexico, 2013, Ed. Ellerstroms, Sweden and Ed. Action Books, USA) . His poems have been included in several anthologies, among them "The Large Garden" (Colombian Embassy and Ministry of Education and Culture, -MEC-, 2005), "Nothing is the same after poetry: Fifty Uruguayan poets of the half century, 1955-2005 ”, (MEC and General Archive of the Nation, 2005) and The world record, (Bloodaxe Books Ltd & Southbank Center, London 2012). For his poetic work he has received several distinctions, including the Cuny / Mec (2010) and Fefca / Mec (2012) scholarships. He has read his poetry at the City College of New York, Brown University, Smith College and international poetry festivals in Nicaragua, Mexico and England. Part of her work has been translated into English, Italian and Swedish.

2021 Events
Friday Night Feature (I am all women)
South-North: Global and Inclusive Poetry: Table