Samantha Edmonds

Samantha Edmonds is the author of the chapbooks Pretty to Think So (Selcouth Station Press, 2019) and The Space Poet (forthcoming from Split Lip Press, 2020). Her fiction has appeared in such journals as Ninth Letter, Michigan Quarterly Review, Mississippi Review, Black Warrior Review, Indiana Review, and McSweeney's Internet Tendency, among others. Her nonfiction has been published or is forthcoming in Gay Magazine, The Rumpus, Literary Hub, Ploughshares, VICE, Bustle, and more. Currently, she interns at The Missouri Review and works as the Assistant Fiction Editor for Sundress Publications, as well as the Fiction Editor for Doubleback Review; she has formerly served as the Fiction Editor for Grist: A Journal of the Literary Arts and as the Community Outreach Director for Sundress Academy for the Arts. She holds an MA in creative writing from the University of Cincinnati and an MFA from the University of Tennessee. Originally from Ohio, she now lives in Columbia, MO, where she's a PhD candidate in fiction at the University of Missouri. Visit her online at

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